Lighthouse Point is a fictional course for JNSE. I design fictional courses for two reasons: 1) I do not have the resources or time (or patience) to research and accurately portray a real course. I will add, I greatly appreciate those who do. 2) While I admire those who can reproduce a Nicklaus or Dye or Trent Jones course well, my pleasure in design comes from starting from scratch and designing an A. Charnes course. I have designed Lighthouse Point, not to be a challenge, but to be a course playable and enjoyable for all. Skilled players may find it an easy course; none should find it frustrating. I have done my best to avoid and eliminate all "unusual" bounces and rolls often seen on JNSE fairways and greens, and/or shots beyond the capability of the average player. The course lies on a plot of land between the sea and a forest. Each nine plays into the woods, then back down to the shore. The hole quotes, your 'caddy', will help you if you pay attention to them, but some holes will yield better scores if you check the layout yourself and plan ahead. I welcome any and all comments; I have some opinions about course design, and may not agree with you, but I am still learning and appreciate any feedback. BTW, let me know how you score; it will help me evaluate the level of difficulty I am achieving. It's hard to judge on your own course. Lighthouse Point is not for sale, but the original, unmodified file may be freely disseminated, including uploading to any computer bulletin board or online service, whether or not such service charges fees. The designer has uploaded it to both CompuServe and GEnie. Alvia L. (Lane) Charnes